Dr. Lydia Lawhon has nearly two decades of experience working on natural resource management issues in the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem and Colorado.
natural resources management and policy, local citizen and stakeholder engagement in policy processes, coalition dynamics, environmental studies pedagogy, experiential learning,
ENVM 5031 - Contemporary Issues in U.S. Public Lands Policy and Management
Primary Instructor
Spring 2020 / Spring 2021
Examines critical and emerging issues on public lands across the U.S. today. Following an overview of the structure of public lands management, including federal land management designations and agencies and major laws and policies relevant to public lands management, we will transition into issue-based discussions of challenges facing public lands management. Previously offered as a special topics course. Recommended requisite: ENVS 5701.
ENVS 5701 - Policy, Politics and Management: Foundations
Primary Instructor
Spring 2018 / Fall 2018 / Fall 2019 / Fall 2020 / Fall 2021
Examines concepts related to policy and regulatory processes, institutions and management of the environment and natural resources. Explores environmental laws at the international, national, state and local levels as well as how the processes and institutions at various levels of government help shape laws and their implementation. Focuses on policy tools including property rights, regulation, voluntary compliance and market-based mechanisms.
OREC 5003 - Outdoor Recreation Project Tools and Skills
Primary Instructor
Summer 2022
Successful project planning and execution in the outdoor recreation economy space requires a variety of tools and methods. This remote, synchronous course will integrate the concepts, knowledge, and skills gained from the other courses within this certificate to provide the foundation for a course project or case. Course content will include conceptual development of your project, as well as skill development in project management , stakeholder engagement, and data collection and analysis. This course has a project-focus and skills will be applied to outdoor recreation economy cases or projects. Recommended restriction: restricted to Outdoor Recreation Economy students.
OREC 5005 - Issues in Public Lands
Primary Instructor
Fall 2022 / Summer 2023
With over 640 million acres of land in the United States owned by the federal government, and significant holdings by both state and local governments, public lands are a venue ripe for opportunity and conflict. This course will examine critical and emerging issues on public lands across the U.S. today. Recommended prerequisite: Cert 2/Course 1 (Public Policy Process and the Outdoor Recreation Economy).
OREC 5006 - Issues in Natural Resources Management
Primary Instructor
Summer 2022 / Spring 2023 / Spring 2024
Address the challenge of managing natural resources within the increasingly complex context of climate change and development, while balancing an increase in diverse and competing values. Explore case studies across topics and geographies, and apply theory, and practical policy tools to address problems of natural resource policy and management for just and durable outcomes.
OREC 5007 - Public Lands and Natural Resources Policy Project
Primary Instructor
Fall 2023
The project course represents a culmination of the certificate where students apply the skills and knowledge gained from certificate subject courses to address current policy, business, or community development challenges in the outdoor recreation economy. Students have the opportunity to analyze, research, develop, and implement innovative strategies, processes and solutions on an experiential project related to public lands and natural resources policy in the outdoor recreation economy. Students work collaboratively with colleagues and may engage stakeholders.
OREC 5011 - Outdoor Recreation Economy Community Economic Development Project
Primary Instructor
Fall 2023
The project course represents a culmination of the certificate where students apply the skills and knowledge gained from certificate subject courses to address current policy, business, or community development challenges in the outdoor recreation economy. Students have the opportunity to analyze, research, develop, and implement innovative strategies, processes and solutions on an experiential project that addresses current community economic development challenges and/or opportunities resulting from the outdoor recreation economy. Students work collaboratively with colleagues and may engage stakeholders. Recommended restriction: restricted to Outdoor Recreation Economy students.
OREC 5014 - Outdoor Recreation Business Project
Primary Instructor
Fall 2023
The project course represents a culmination of the certificate where students apply the skills and knowledge gained from certificate subject courses to address current policy, business, or community development challenges in the outdoor recreation economy. Students have the opportunity to analyze, research, develop, and implement innovative strategies, processes and solutions on an experiential project related to current leadership and/or sustainability challenges resulting from the outdoor recreation economy within specific businesses. Students work collaboratively with colleagues and may engage stakeholders.