Jen Shannon is Curator & Associate Professor of Cultural Anthropology at the University of Colorado; she is currently on leave to be a Supervisory Curator at the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian. Jen is a collaborative and public anthropologist who is committed to facilitating and disseminating more diverse and inclusive understandings of the history and contemporary lives of Indigenous peoples through collaborative research methodologies. Her research involves connecting Native Nations to museum collections through repatriation consultations, co-directed research projects, digitizing tangible and intangible heritage, the development of online access to collections, and oral history projects. She has worked with diverse Indigenous peoples, from Chicago to Nunavut to Taiwan; most recently with the Mandan Hidatsa Arikara Nation. She was a consultant to the National Museum of the American Indian for five years, a co-host of SAPIENS: A Podcast for Everything Human for three seasons, author of Our Lives: Collaboration, Native Voice, and the Making of the National Museum of the American Indian (2014), and is a co-producer of NAGRA Comics.
Collaborative Anthropology, Public Anthropology, Indigenous Rights and Representation, Contemporary Indigeneity and Settler Colonialism, Anthropology of Museums, Critical Museology, Collaborative Museology, Ethics and Decolonizing Methodologies, NAGPRA and Repatriation, Museum Collections Research, Exhibit Development, Digital Cultural Heritage and Oral History, Science Communication, Native North America
ANTH 4020 - Explorations in Anthropology
Primary Instructor
Summer 2019
Special topics in cultural and physical anthropology, as well as archaeology. Check with the department for semester offerings. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours. Same as ANTH 5020.
MUSM 5011 - Introduction to Museum Studies
Primary Instructor
Fall 2020
Provides background in history and literature of museums, their objectives and methods, laboratory exercises in curatorship, exhibition theory, and administration.
MUSM 6110 - Seminar in Museum Issues
Primary Instructor
Spring 2018
Offers a weekly seminar for museum and field study students that addresses one new topic each semester relevant to museum operations such as archival administration, museums, multiculturalism, repatriation and others. Department enforced prerequisite: MUSM 5011.
MUSM 6950 - Master's Thesis in Museum and Field Studies
Primary Instructor
Fall 2020 / Spring 2021
A thesis, which may be of a research, expository, critical or creative type, is required of every master's degree candidate under the thesis option. Department enforced prerequisites: MUSM 5011 and MUSM 5051 and one of the following: MUSM 5030 or MUSM 5031 or MUSM 5041.
MUSM 6960 - Master's Project or Paper in Museum and Field Studies
Primary Instructor
Spring 2020
A project or paper in the student's discipline and related to some aspect of museum studies is required of every master's degree candidate under the non-thesis-option plan. Department enforced prerequisites: MUSM 5011 and MUSM 5051. Students in collections/field track also need MUSM 5030 or MUSM 5031 or MUSM 5041.