A neuronal signature for monogamous reunion Journal Article uri icon



  • AbstractPair bond formation depends vitally on neuromodulatory signaling within the nucleus accumbens, but the neuronal dynamics underlying this behavior remain unclear. Using in vivo Ca2+ imaging in monogamous prairie voles, we found that pair bonding does not elicit differences in overall nucleus accumbens Ca2+ activity. Instead, we identified distinct neuronal ensembles in this region recruited during approach to either a partner or novel vole. The partner-approach neuronal ensemble increased in size following bond formation and differences in the size of approach ensembles for partner and novel voles predicts bond strength. In contrast, neurons comprising departure ensembles do not change over time and are not correlated with bond strength indicating that ensemble plasticity is specific to partner approach. Further, the neurons comprising partner and novel approach ensembles are non-overlapping while departure ensembles are more overlapping than chance, which may reflect another key feature of approach ensembles. We posit that the features of the partner approach ensemble and its expansion upon bond formation make it a potential key substrate underlying bond formation and maturation.HighlightsWe performed in vivo Ca2+ in the nucleus accumbens of pair bonded prairie volesOverall nucleus accumbens activity did not differ during partner versus stranger interactionDistinct approach neurons exist for the partner and for the strangerPartner-approach ensemble increases as partner preference emergesWe identify a putative neuronal substrate underlying bond formation and maturation

publication date

  • June 19, 2019

has restriction

  • green

Date in CU Experts

  • November 12, 2020 9:19 AM

Full Author List

  • Scribner JL; Vance E; Protter DSW; Sheeran WM; Saslow E; Cameron R; Klein E; Jimenez JC; Kheirbek MA; Donaldson ZR

author count

  • 10

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