subject area of
- Candidate gene association mapping of Sclerotinia stalk rot resistance in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) uncovers the importance of COI1 homologs Journal Article
- Computational and Functional Analysis of the Virus-Receptor Interface Reveals Host Range Trade-Offs in New World Arenaviruses Journal Article
- Development and dissection of diagnostic SNP markers for the downy mildew resistance genes Pl Arg and Pl 8 and maker-assisted gene pyramiding in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Journal Article
- Ecophysiology meets conservation: understanding the role of disease in amphibian population declines Journal Article
- Genetic loci underlying quantitative resistance to necrotrophic pathogens Sclerotinia and Diaporthe (Phomopsis), and correlated resistance to both pathogens Journal Article
- Genetic mapping of rust resistance genes in confection sunflower line HA-R6 and oilseed line RHA 397 Journal Article
- Molecular tagging of a novel rust resistance gene R (12) in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Journal Article
- Relocation of a rust resistance gene R 2 and its marker-assisted gene pyramiding in confection sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Journal Article
- Resistance and tolerance: A hierarchical framework to compare individual versus family-level host contributions in an experimental amphibian-trematode system Journal Article
- Sunflower pan-genome analysis shows that hybridization altered gene content and disease resistance Journal Article