Exercise Tolerance
PubMed MeSh Term
subject area of
Breathing valve resistance alters physiological responses during a graded exercise test Journal Article
Interleukin 37 reverses the metabolic cost of inflammation, increases oxidative respiration, and improves exercise tolerance Journal Article
Leukocyte telomere length is preserved with aging in endurance exercise-trained adults and related to maximal aerobic capacity Journal Article
Novel whole blood transcriptome signatures of changes in maximal aerobic capacity in response to endurance exercise training in healthy women Journal Article
Short-term interleukin-37 treatment improves vascular endothelial function, endurance exercise capacity, and whole-body glucose metabolism in old mice Journal Article
Sympathetic Neural Overdrive, Aortic Stiffening, Endothelial Dysfunction, and Impaired Exercise Capacity in Severe COVID-19 Survivors: A Mid-Term Study of Cardiovascular Sequelae Journal Article
Ten Days of Intermittent, Low-dose Carbon Monoxide Inhalation does not Significantly Alter Hemoglobin Mass, Aerobic Performance Predictors, or Peak-power Exercise Tolerance Journal Article
Time to task failure differs with load type when old adults perform a submaximal fatiguing contraction Journal Article
Time-Efficient, High-Resistance Inspiratory Muscle Strength Training Increases Exercise Tolerance in Midlife and Older Adults Journal Article
Tolerable acclimation to the cross-coupled illusion through a 10-day, incremental, personalized protocol Journal Article
Translational Potential of High-Resistance Inspiratory Muscle Strength Training Journal Article
broader concept