subject area of
- A distinct nuclear localization signal in the N terminus of Smad 3 determines its ligand-induced nuclear translocation Journal Article
- A novel mechanism for regulating transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) signaling -: Functional modulation of type III TGF-β receptor expression through interaction with the PDZ domain protein, GIPC Journal Article
- Importin β mediates nuclear translocation of Smad 3 Journal Article
- Leader cell positioning drives wound-directed collective migration in TGFβ-stimulated epithelial sheets Journal Article
- Liebig's law of the minimum in the TGF-β/SMAD pathway. Journal Article
- Spatiotemporal Control of TGF-β Signaling with Light Journal Article
- Transforming Growth Factor beta Depletion Is the Primary Determinant of Smad Signaling Kinetics Journal Article
- Transforming growth factor-β induces formation of a dithiothreitol-resistant type I type II receptor complex in live cells Journal Article