subject area of
- A new Late Cretaceous metatherian from the Williams Fork Formation, Colorado. Journal Article
- Biological variation in a large sample of mouse lemurs from Amboasary, Madagascar: Implications for interpreting variation in primate biology and paleobiology Journal Article
- Conservation and divergence of Bmp2a, Bmp2b, and Bmp4 expression patterns within and between dentitions of teleost fishes Journal Article
- Dental microwear and stable isotopes inform the paleoecology of extinct hominins Journal Article
- Diet of Paranthropus boisei in the early Pleistocene of East Africa Journal Article
- Differences in developmental potential predict the contrasting patterns of dental diversification in characiform and cypriniform fishes Journal Article
- Discrete element models of tooth enamel, a complex three-dimensional biological composite Journal Article
- Expression of Dlx genes during the development of the zebrafish pharyngeal dentition: evolutionary implications Journal Article
- Fgf signaling is required for zebrafish tooth development Journal Article
- Intra-Tooth Stable Isotope Analysis of Dentine: A Step Toward Addressing Selective Mortality in the Reconstruction of Life History in the Archaeological Record Journal Article
- Manipulation of Fgf and Bmp signaling in teleost fishes suggests potential pathways for the evolutionary origin of multicuspid teeth Journal Article
- Pre-oral gut contributes to facial structures in non-teleost fishes Journal Article
- Primate dental ecology: How teeth respond to the environment Journal Article
- Selection and constraint underlie irreversibility of tooth loss in cypriniform fishes Journal Article
- Sr/Ca and early hommin diets revisited:: new data from modern and fossil tooth enamel Journal Article
- Stable isotope series from elephant ivory reveal lifetime histories of a true dietary generalist Journal Article
- Stable isotopes in fossil hominin tooth enamel suggest a fundamental dietary shift in the Pliocene Journal Article
- Strontium isotope evidence for landscape use by early hominins Journal Article
- The Diets of Early Hominins Journal Article
- The diet of Australopithecus sediba Journal Article
- The genetic basis of modularity in the development and evolution of the vertebrate dentition Journal Article
- Transgenic analysis of Dlx regulation in fish tooth development reveals evolutionary retention of enhancer function despite organ loss Journal Article
- Using tooth enamel microstructure to identify mammalian fossils at an Eocene Arctic forest Journal Article
- What is dental ecology? Journal Article
- Zebrafish dentition in comparative context Journal Article
- bmp2b and bmp4 Are Dispensable for Zebrafish Tooth Development Journal Article