subject area of
- Distinct patterns of oesophageal shortening during primary peristalsis, secondary peristalsis and transient lower oesophageal sphincter relaxation. Journal Article
- Esophagogastric junction distensibility: a factor contributing to sphincter incompetence. Journal Article
- Impact of fundoplication on bolus transit across esophagogastric junction. Journal Article
- Intrabolus pressure gradient identifies pathological constriction in the upper esophageal sphincter during flow. Journal Article
- Liquid in the gastroesophageal segment promotes reflux, but compliance does not: a mathematical modeling study. Journal Article
- Measuring EGJ opening patterns using high resolution intraluminal impedance. Journal Article
- Opening mechanisms of the human upper esophageal sphincter. Journal Article
- Pharmacological dissection of the human gastro-oesophageal segment into three sphincteric components. Journal Article
- Restoration of normal distensive characteristics of the esophagogastric junction after fundoplication. Journal Article
- Space-time pressure structure of pharyngo-esophageal segment during swallowing. Journal Article
- The Esophagiome: concept, status, and future perspectives Journal Article
- The esophagogastric junction. Journal Article
- The phrenic ampulla: distal esophagus or potential hiatal hernia? Journal Article