publication venue for
- NebulaSEM: A high-order discontinuous Galerkin spectral; element code for atmospheric modeling 2024
- SWAMPE: A Shallow-Water Atmospheric Model in Python for; Exoplanets 2022
- The Babelizer: language interoperability for model; coupling in the geosciences 2022
- GCM-Filters: A Python Package for Diffusion-based Spatial Filtering of Gridded Data 2022
- physical_validation: A Python package to assess the physical validity of molecular simulation results 2022
- libCEED: Fast algebra for high-order element-based discretizations 2021
- eigentools: A Python package for studying differential eigenvalue problems with an emphasis on robustness 2021
- Isoreader: An R package to read stable isotope data files for reproducible research 2021
- Exploring meaningful visual effects and quantities of interest from dynamic models through dynamac 2020
- The Basic Model Interface 2.0: A standard interface for coupling numerical models in the geosciences 2020
- Pyglmnet: Python implementation of elastic-net regularized generalized linear models 2020
- GroundwaterDupuitPercolator: A Landlab component for groundwater flow 2020
- Pubmed Parser: A Python Parser for PubMed Open-Access XML Subset and MEDLINE XML Dataset XML Dataset 2020
- EarthPy: A Python package that makes it easier to explore and plot raster and vector data using open source Python tools. 2019
- umami: A Python package for Earth surface dynamics objective function construction 2019
- Kepler Mapper: A flexible Python implementation of the Mapper algorithm. 2019
- DynaMo: Dynamic Body Shape and Motion Capture with Intel RealSense Cameras 2019
- webweb: a tool for creating, displaying, and sharing interactive network visualizations on the web 2019
- arcesetc: ARC Echelle Spectrograph Exposure Time Calculator 2019
- Lithology: A Landlab submodule for spatially variable rock properties 2018
- EmissV: an R package to create vehicular and other emissions for air quality models 2018
- eixport: An R package to export emissions to atmospheric models 2018