publication venue for
- Natural Exceptions or Exceptional Natures? Regulatory Science and the Production of Rarity 2022
- The Double Bind of Displacement: US Sanctions, the Muslim Ban, and Experiences of Dislocation for Iranians Pursuing Higher Education in the United States 2022
- Ethics and the Geography-Military Nexus: Responses to Wainwright and Weaver 2022
- "How Ya Gonna Keep 'Em Down on the Farm, After They've Seen Paree?" World War I Overseas Military Service and Rural Americans' Postwar Occupational Mobility 2022
- The New (Ab)Normal: Outliers, Everyday Exceptionality, and the Politics of Data Management in the Anthropocene 2020
- Abandoning Holocene Dreams: Proactive Biodiversity Conservation in a Changing World 2020
- How Entrenched Is the Spatial Structure of Inequality in Cities? Evidence from the Integration of Census and Housing Data for Denver from 1940 to 2016 2020
- Gray Zones: The Everyday Practices and Governance of Water beyond the Network 2019
- Praxis in the City: Care and (Re)Injury in Belfast and Orumiyeh 2018
- Deriving Small Area Mortality Estimates Using a Probabilistic Reweighting Method 2017
- Mountainous Terrain and Civil Wars: Geospatial Analysis of Conflict Dynamics in the Post-Soviet Caucasus 2017
- Geography and the Military: Notes for a Debate 2016