publication venue for
- The Classical Tradition in Medieval Catalan, 1300-1500: Translation, Imitation, and Literacy. 2019
- The Sublime South: Andalusia, Orientalism, and the Making of Modern Spain 2019
- Dialogues: A Catalan Renaissance Colloquy Set in the City of Tortosa 2017
- The Invention of the Sequel: Expanding Prose Fiction in Early Modern Spain. 2014
- This and that in the works of Cervantes 2013
- Travel through the New World: from Guadalupe to Potosi, 1599-1605 2012
- Nihilism and joviality: foreshortening of the protagonist in the Spanish vanguard novel 2011
- Modernity under suspicion. Salas Barbadillo and the material culture of the seventeenth century 2010
- Sintaxis de la ética del texto: Ricote, en elQuijote II, la lengua de las mariposas 2006