publication venue for
- Polarimetric Radar Signatures in Various Lightning Activities During Seoul (Korea) Flood on August 8, 2022 2024
- The Global/Regional Integrated Model System (GRIMs): an Update and Seasonal Evaluation 2023
- Comments on "Numerical Errors in Ice Microphysics Parameterizations and Their Effects on Simulated Regional Climate" 2023
- Future Projections of Precipitation using Bias-Corrected High-Resolution Regional Climate Models for Sub-Regions with Homogeneous Characteristics in South Korea 2022
- A New Chemistry-Climate Model GRIMs-CCM: Model Evaluation of Interactive Chemistry-Meteorology Simulations 2022
- Evaluation and Projection of Regional Climate over East Asia in CORDEX-East Asia Phase I Experiment 2021
- Development of a Single-Moment Cloud Microphysics Scheme with Prognostic Hail for the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model 2019
- Effects of Non-orographic Gravity Wave Drag on Seasonal and Medium-range Predictions in a Global Forecast Model 2018
- Impact of Turbulent Mixing in the Stratocumulus-Topped Boundary Layer on Numerical Weather Prediction 2018
- Impacts of Shallow Convection Processes on a Simulated Boreal Summer Climatology in a Global Atmospheric Model 2018
- Korean Global Data Assimilation and Prediction System 2018
- The Korean Integrated Model (KIM) System for Global Weather Forecasting 2018
- A global non-hydrostatic dynamical core using the spectral element method on a cubed-sphere grid 2016
- Changes of precipitation extremes over South Korea projected by the 5 RCMs under RCP scenarios 2016
- Future changes in drought characteristics over South Korea using multi regional climate models with the standardized precipitation index 2016
- Future changes in summer precipitation in regional climate simulations over the Korean Peninsula forced by multi-RCP scenarios of HadGEM2-AO 2016
- Projections of high resolution climate changes for South Korea using multiple-regional climate models based on four RCP scenarios. Part 1: surface air temperature 2016
- Projections of high resolution climate changes for South Korea using multiple-regional climate models based on four RCP scenarios. Part 2: precipitation 2016
- Time of emergence of anthropogenic warming signals in the Northeast Asia assessed from multi-regional climate models 2016
- Stochastic representation of dynamic model tendency : Formulation and preliminary results 2014
- Dynamical downscaling: Fundamental issues from an NWP point of view and recommendations 2014
- Catalina Eddy as revealed by the historical downscaling of reanalysis 2013
- Sensitivity of simulated intraseasonal oscillation to four convective parameterization schemes in a coupled climate model 2013
- The Global/Regional Integrated Model system (GRIMs) 2013
- Effects of freshwater runoff on a tropical pacific climate in the HadGEM2 2012
- Spectral nudging sensitivity experiments in a regional climate model 2012
- The impact of observation systems on medium-range weather forecasting in a global forecast system 2012
- A study on large-scale nudging effects in regional climate model simulation 2011
- The impact of microphysical schemes on hurricane intensity and track 2011
- Future climate change scenarios over Korea using a multi-nested downscaling system: A pilot study 2010
- Impacts of assimilated data on reanalysis climatology 2010
- Test of a convectively forced gravity wave drag parameterization in a general circulation model 2010
- Foreword 2009