publication venue for
- A call for the United States to continue investing in science 2025
- The ASM Journals Committee Values the Contributions of Black Microbiologists 2020
- Heterogeneity of Vaginal Microbial Communities within Individuals 2009
- Evaluation of whip with historic subtype H1N1 influenza A viruses, including the 1918 "Spanish flu" strain 2007
- Comparison of the MChip to viral culture, reverse transcription-PCR, and the QuickVue influenza A plus B test for rapid diagnosis of influenza 2007
- Experimental evaluation of the FluChip diagnostic microarray for influenza virus surveillance 2006
- Robust sequence selection method used to develop the FluChip diagnostic microarray for influenza virus 2006
- Use of specific rRNA oligonucleotide probes for microscopic detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in culture and tissue specimens 2005
- Use of specific rRNA oligonucleotide probes for microscopic detection of Mycobacterium avium complex organisms in tissue 2005
- Culture-independent molecular analysis of microbial constituents of the healthy human outer ear 2003
- Isolation and characterization of a black-pigmented Corynebacterium sp from a woman with spontaneous abortion 2001
- Performance characteristics of the Gen-Probe Probe Competition Assay used as a supplementary test for the Gen-Probe PACE 2 and 2C assays for detection of Chlamydia trachomatis 1997