publication venue for
- Liquid in the gastroesophageal segment promotes reflux, but compliance does not: a mathematical modeling study. 2008
- Physiology of the esophageal pressure transition zone: separate contraction waves above and below. 2006
- The mechanical basis of impaired esophageal emptying postfundoplication. 2005
- Mechanics and hemodynamics of esophageal varices during peristaltic contraction. 2004
- Intrabolus pressure gradient identifies pathological constriction in the upper esophageal sphincter during flow. 2003
- Esophagogastric junction distensibility: a factor contributing to sphincter incompetence. 2002
- Pressure-geometry relationship in the antroduodenal region in humans. 2001
- Space-time pressure structure of pharyngo-esophageal segment during swallowing. 2001
- Local longitudinal muscle shortening of the human esophagus from high-frequency ultrasonography. 2001
- Relative contributions of "pressure pump" and "peristaltic pump" to gastric emptying. 2000