publication venue for
- Interparental Relationship Discord and Adolescent Psychopathology in a United States Probability Sample. 2025
- Processing Speed is Related to the General Psychopathology Factor in Youth 2023
- Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Academic Functioning: Reading, Writing, and Math Abilities in a Community Sample of Youth with and without ADHD 2023
- Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and academic functioning: Reading, writing, and math abilities in a community sample of youth with and without ADHD 2023
- Sluggish Cognitive Tempo and Neuropsychological Functioning 2021
- Invariance of ADHD Symptoms Across Sex and Age: a Latent Analysis of ADHD and Impairment Ratings from Early Childhood into Adolescence 2019
- Within-Family Effects of Smoking during Pregnancy on ADHD: the Importance of Phenotype 2018
- Does the Environment Have an Enduring Effect on ADHD? A Longitudinal Study of Monozygotic Twin Differences in Children 2016
- The Internal and External Validity of Sluggish Cognitive Tempo and its Relation with DSM-IV ADHD 2014
- Reward Dysregulation and Mood Symptoms in an Adolescent Outpatient Sample 2013
- Personality Dimensions as Common and Broadband-Specific Features for Internalizing and Externalizing Disorders 2013
- Reading Comprehension in Children with ADHD: Cognitive Underpinnings of the Centrality Deficit 2013
- A Cross-Lagged Model of the Development of ADHD Inattention Symptoms and Rapid Naming Speed 2012
- Association between Depressive Symptoms and Negative Dependent Life Events from Late Childhood to Adolescence 2012
- Preliminary Evidence for Associations of CHRM2 with Substance Use and Disinhibition in Adolescence 2011
- Structure and Etiology of Co-occurring Internalizing and Externalizing Disorders in Adolescents 2011
- Common genetic and environmental influences on major depressive disorder and conduct disorder 2008
- Test of alternative hypotheses explaining the comorbidity between attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and conduct disorder 2008
- Modeling rater disagreement for ADHD: Are parents or teachers biased? 2007
- Processing speed deficits in attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and reading disability 2006
- Linking substance use and problem behavior across three generations 2006
- Genetic and environmental contributions to common psychopathologies of childhood and adolescence: A study of twins and their siblings 2006
- The relation between sluggish cognitive tempo and DSM-IV ADHD 2004
- A comparison of the neuropsychological profiles of the DSM-IV subtypes of ADHD 2001
- Etiology of inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity in a community sample of twins with learning difficulties 2000
- Utility of behavior ratings by examiners during assessments of preschool children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder 1999