publication venue for
- Temperature, pressure, velocity, and water vapor mole fraction profiles in a ramjet combustor using dual frequency comb spectroscopy and a high temperature absorption database 2025
- Production of Aliphatic-Linked Polycyclic Hydrocarbons during Radical-Driven Particle Formation from Propyne and Propene Pyrolysis 2023
- Special issue and perspective on the chemistry and physics of carbonaceous particle formation 2023
- Promotion of particle formation by resonance-stabilized radicals during hydrocarbon pyrolysis 2022
- Detonation initiation by compressible turbulence thermodynamic fluctuations 2020
- A chemical pathway perspective on the kinetics of low-temperature ignition of propane 2019
- Lagrangian analysis of high-speed turbulent premixed reacting flows: Thermochemical trajectories in hydrogen-air flames 2017
- Shock tube measurements and model development for morpholine pyrolysis and oxidation at high pressures 2013
- Combustion chemistry and fuel-nitrogen conversion in a laminar premixed flame of morpholine as a model biofuel 2011
- Modeling of 1,3-hexadiene, 2,4-hexadiene and 1,4-hexadiene-doped methane flames: Flame modeling, benzene and styrene formation 2010
- Methane ignition catalyzed by in situ generated palladium nanoparticles 2010
- A two-dimensional planar computational investigation of flame broadening in confined non-premixed jets 1999
- Conditions for a split diffusion flame 1997
- LIF study of CH A2Δ collision dynamics in a low pressure oxyacetylene flame 1987