publication venue for
- Remote sensing approaches to monitor tropical forest restoration: Current methods and future possibilities 2025
- Efficacy of Bd metabolite prophylaxis dose and duration on host defence against the deadly chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis 2024
- Explore before you restore: Incorporating complex systems thinking in ecosystem restoration 2024
- Metabolites from the fungal pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (bd) reduce Bd load in Cuban treefrog tadpoles 2022
- A synthesis of the effects of cheatgrass invasion on US Great Basin carbon storage 2021
- Human trampling disturbance exerts different ecological effects at contrasting elevational range limits 2019
- Marine protected areas enhance structural complexity but do not buffer the consequences of ocean warming for an overexploited precious coral 2019
- Win-wins for biodiversity and ecosystem service conservation depend on the trophic levels of the species providing services 2018
- Where and how to restore in a changing world: a demographic-based assessment of resilience 2017
- Evolution of plant materials for ecological restoration: insights from the applied and basic literature 2017
- Biological introduction risks from shipping in a warming Arctic 2016
- Integrating landscape connectivity and habitat suitability to guide offensive and defensive invasive species management 2015
- Sustaining ecosystem functions in a changing world: a call for an integrated approach 2013
- Interactive effects of temporal and spatial fire characteristics on the population dynamics of a fire-dependent Cypress species 2013
- Taming wildlife disease: bridging the gap between science and management 2013
- Urbanization and wetland communities: applying metacommunity theory to understand the local and landscape effects 2013
- Waterbird responses to experimental drawdown: implications for the multispecies management of wetland mosaics 2002
- Pest damage and arthropod community structure in organic vs. conventional tomato production in California 2001
- Evidence of water conservation mechanisms in several subarctic wetland species 1996