publication venue for
- Convergence of inductive sequences of spectral triples for the spectral propinquity 2024
- Rigidity of acute angled corners for one phase Muskat interfaces 2023
- The Heisenberg calculus, index theory and cyclic cohomology 2022
- Models of Lubin-Tate spectra via Real bordism theory 2021
- A categorification of the Malvenuto–Reutenauer algebra via a tower of groups 2021
- Tensor categories arising from the Virasoro algebra 2021
- Four deviations suffice for rank 1 matrices 2020
- Maximum principles for the fractional p-Laplacian and symmetry of solutions 2018
- A Hilbert bundle description of differential K-theory 2018
- A direct method of moving planes for the fractional Laplacian 2017
- Towards the homotopy of the K(2)-local Moore spectrum at p=2 2017
- Formality theorem for gerbes 2015
- The localized longitudinal index theorem for Lie groupoids and the van Est map 2015
- Supercharacters, symmetric functions in noncommuting variables, and related Hopf algebras 2012
- Nonzero coefficients in restrictions and tensor products of supercharacters of U-n(q) 2011
- Deformations of algebroid stacks 2011
- Regularity of solutions for an integral system of Wolff type 2011
- Cyclic cocycles on deformation quantizations and higher index theorems 2010
- Homology representations arising from the half cube 2009
- A sup plus inf inequality near R=0 2009
- Deformation quantization of gerbes 2007
- On the characteristic map of finite unitary groups 2007
- An algebraic index theorem for orbifolds 2007
- Local index theory over foliation groupoids 2006
- Cauchy's functional equation in the mean 1984