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Cauley, Alexander S



Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • My research is primarily centered on labor economics, supported by four working papers that examine the dynamics of labor markets, legal influences on crime rates, the socio-economic impact of seemingly arbitrary factors, and strategic decision-making under uncertainty. The first paper investigates how workers adjust their efforts in response to incentive structures that are marked by uncertain productivity and penalties for underperformance. Specifically, it examines the variable activities of NYPD officers within a monthly quota system, providing insights into their behavioral adaptation to institutional pressures. The second paper transitions to the legislative domain, analyzing how reduced legal protections for private property influence crime rates. This study focuses on the aftermath of Missouri’s House Bill 1150 on motor vehicle theft, providing an analysis of policy implications on societal safety and order. In the third paper, I, along with my co-author, examine the effect of the alphabetical order of surname initials on individuals’ socio-economic outcomes. This research elucidates how nominal factors can significantly impact material realities, highlighting the complex interplay between identity and socio-economic status. Lastly, my fourth paper is a case study that presents a theoretical risk analysis of consolidating multiple unresolved resolutions into a singular, comprehensive deal and linking it to broader principal-agent problem in economics.


courses taught

  • ECON 1078 - Mathematical Tools for Economists 1
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2024
    Teaches mathematical skills and logical thinking for use in economics. Topics include algebra, graphs, functions, and probability. Includes many "Real world" examples and some illustrative computer assignments.
  • ECON 3545 - Environmental Economics
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2023
    Highlights causes of excessive environmental pollution and tools for controlling it through economic analysis, values of preservation and distribution of costs and benefits from environmental protection programs. Credit given in this course is not included in the calculation of an economics major GPA. Degree credit not granted for this course and ECON 4545.
