environmental economics, transportation, electric vehicles, electricity sector, trucks
courses taught
ECON 3545 - Environmental Economics
Primary Instructor
Spring 2024 / Fall 2024
Highlights causes of excessive environmental pollution and tools for controlling it through economic analysis, values of preservation and distribution of costs and benefits from environmental protection programs. Economics (ECON) majors may be approved to enroll with advisor & instructor approval and count towards the major GPA. Majors must consult with assigned ECON advisor to determine eligibility to be enrolled. Degree credit not granted for this course and ECON 4545.
ECON 4545 - Environmental Economics
Primary Instructor
Spring 2024 / Fall 2024
Examines the effects of economic growth on the environment; application of economic theory of external diseconomies, cost-benefit analysis, program budgeting, and welfare economics to problems of the physical environment. Degree credit not granted for this course and ECON 3545.
ECON 8545 - Environmental Economics 2
Primary Instructor
Fall 2024
Provides advanced study of current research in environmental economics and explores opportunities for new research. Instruction in empirical research including experimental design, numerical analysis, econometric and statistical approaches. Theoretical analysis of economic problems including optimization, cost/benefit analysis and economic modeling of current environmental policies. The course can be taken independently or in conjunction with 8535 to make a two-semester sequence in environmental economics.