Laura Griffin's overall research interests are in the financial accounting realm. Specifically, her research focuses on how investors acquire and process publicly available financial information (e.g., SEC filings) to make trading decisions. Using big datasets and archival analyses, Laura aims to produce research that provides practical takeaways for regulators and standard setters.
financial accounting; information acquisition; information processing; disclosure processing costs
BCOR 2203 - Principles of Accounting I
Primary Instructor
Fall 2023
The course builds a basic understanding of how information regarding a firm's resources and obligations is conveyed to decision makers outside the firm. Students will be exposed to both a user-perspective (how to read and analyze financial accounting reports) and a preparer-perspective (how business transactions affect the financial statements). Particular emphasis will be placed on understanding the accounting cycle, or the system with which businesses process and record their business events to create the financial statements. Credit not granted for this course and BCOR 2000, BCOR 2002.