My primary research interests are in music and music education assessment; measuring musical learning within higher education, K-12 settings, and the applied studio. I have examined teaching readiness in future music teachers, their professional dispositions and their reflective as well as teaching effectiveness and teaching quality more broadly. My research activity is found in publications that are well-regarded in the disciplines of music education and higher education, such as the International Journal for Music Education, the Journal of Research in Music Education, the Journal of Music Teacher Education, the British Journal of Music Education, the Bulletin for the Council of Research in Music Education, Update: Applications of Research in Music Education, the International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, the International Journal of ePortfolio, and the Journal of Technology and Teacher Education. Other publications appear in influential educational handbooks by Oxford and Cambridge. The areas I research are assessment (in both K-12 and higher education settings) and music teacher education. These two areas have spanned my career and my essential questions are: “Is that a fair assessment process?” and “Do teachers really want to teach; how and why”? My professional persona in music education is two-fold; first, as an assessment expert in the field of music education, in K-12 music making settings, and in the applied (studio or one-to-one) music setting. Second, as a music teacher educator using curriculum, inquiry, and social justice to prepare future teachers. The impact of my research can be seen in my publications where disseminated, they have assisted K-12 and applied studio higher education music teachers improve the assessments they use with their students, arguably improving student learning outcomes. My teacher preparation work has demonstrably improved the educative processes and readiness of teachers entering the workforce.
Assessment of musical performance, music teaching and music learning, applied music studio, teacher preparation, motivation and teacher dispositions
MUSC 4443 - Teaching Instrumental Music
Primary Instructor
Spring 2024
Examines instrumental music curricula, instructional materials and teaching techniques appropriate for rehearsal, class, and lesson settings. Also addresses administration strategies for instrumental music programs. Offered spring only. Same as MUSC 5443.
MUSC 5443 - Teaching Instrumental Music
Primary Instructor
Spring 2024
Examines instrumental music curricula, instructional materials and teaching techniques appropriate for rehearsal, class, and lesson settings. Also addresses administration strategies for instrumental music programs. Offered spring only. Same as MUSC 4443.
MUSC 7203 - Doctoral Seminar in Music Education
Primary Instructor
Fall 2023
Provides an advanced study of topics central to the music education profession. Requires class presentations and a major paper or project. Offered fall of even-numbered years.