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Publications in VIVO

Wang, Yanyun Mia

Assistant Professor


Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • Wang's research concentrates on understanding how immersive media technology influences individuals' perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors in both the real and virtual worlds. She studies the effects of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies on cognitive and emotional processes, and identifying the psychological mechanisms that come into play in various contexts, including consumer psychology, social issues, and health promotion. In addition, She has explored the realm of artificial intelligence (AI), advertising, and human-computer interaction (HCI), particularly focusing on factors that might influence how consumers perceive and use AI in online searching and shopping environments.


  • Immersive media; Human-computer interaction; AI and Advertising; Emerging Media and Advertising; Persuasion


selected publications


courses taught

  • APRD 3010 - Consumer Insights
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2023 / Spring 2024 / Fall 2024
    Students will learn how to leverage insights for the purposes of creative strategy and creative brief writing.
  • APRD 4800 - Seminar in Honors Writing and Research
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2024
    Supports seniors accepted into the APRD Honors Program in developing the research foundation for their projects, whether scholarly, creative, or hybrid. Topics include topic development, primary and secondary source research, and the writing of a scholarly literature review. Project and time management, planning for creative and scholarly field research, and peer support and editing are emphasized. In the spring, students take an independent study with their faculty advisor to complete their honors project.


International Activities

geographic focus

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