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Publications in VIVO

Spaenjers, Christophe



Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • My research focuses on the markets for real assets such as housing, commercial real estate, and art. A substantial part of my recent work is concerned with analyzing differences in investment decisions and outcomes between different types of participants in these markets. I have also studied the long-run price dynamics in both real estate and collectibles markets, and the drawbacks of standard price index construction methods. Next, I am interested in possible biases in the valuations that intermediaries such as auction houses provide to buyers and sellers. Finally, I have ongoing work on household financial decision-making that relates to important policy issues in mortgage and housing markets, such as the determinants of mortgage refinancing and the capitalization of energy efficiency into house prices.


  • alternative investments, real estate, household finance, financial history


selected publications


courses taught

  • FNCE 7800 - Doctoral Pre-Seminar: Finance
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2024
    Provides finance doctoral students with an orientation to the finance field; introduces contemporary research perspectives and priorities. Students discuss papers that illustrate academic researchers' use of various disciplinary theoretical and empirical tools to address finance problems.
  • MBAX 6610 - Real Estate Finance and Investment Analysis
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2022 / Fall 2023
    Objectives of the course are to 1) conduct income property investment analysis; 2) to develop the technical competence necessary to structure real estate transactions; and 3) to understand the financial assets securitized by real estate. Students will analyze income properties using Excel and ARGUS-DCR. Techniques for structuring real estate transactions examined in this course include lender participations, sale-leasebacks, joint ventures, and real estate syndications.
  • MSBC 5610 - MS Real Estate Finance and Investment
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2022 / Fall 2023
    Topics include 1) conducting income property investment analysis; 2) developing the technical competence necessary to structure real estate transactions; and 3) understanding the financial assets securitized by real estate. Students will analyze income properties using Excel and ARGUS-DCR. Techniques for structuring real estate transactions examined in this course include lender participations, sale-leasebacks, joint ventures, and real estate syndications.
  • REAL 4100 - Real Estate Finance and Investment Analysis
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2023
    Covers: 1) traditional and alternative financing of residential and commercial real estate; 2) pro forma cash flows and valuation of income generating properties; 3) real estate decisions of non-real estate corporations; and 4) mortgage backed securities and real estate investment trusts (REITs).


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