Colette Perold, PhD, researches the relationship between media, labor, and politics. Her current projects are on the history of U.S. media firms in Brazil and the history of labor organizing in the information technology sector.
political economy, labor organizing, empire, history of computing, science and technology studies
FYSM 1000 - First Year Seminar
Primary Instructor
Fall 2021
Provide first year students with an immersive experience in an interdisciplinary topic that addresses current issues including social, technical and global topics. Taught by faculty from across campus, the course provides students with an opportunity to interact in small classes, have project based learning experiences and gain valuable communication skills. Seminar style classes focused on discussion and projects.
INFO 3101 - History of Computing and Information
Primary Instructor
Spring 2023
Focusing on two topics: the changing role of information in everyday life over time and the increasing role of information in disciplinary studies such as social science, engineering, computer science, mathematics, digital humanities. Examines information related academic disciplines, businesses, industries and technologies from multiple perspectives from the 17th century to the present. Degree credit not granted for this course and MDST 3101.
MDST 1002 - Introduction to Social Media
Primary Instructor
Fall 2020 / Spring 2021 / Summer 2021 / Fall 2021 / Summer 2022
Introduces students to network structures and principles, the technology and infrastructures that allow them to flourish, and the cultures that grow up through and around them. Explores how social media enables community, how it assembles and empowers agents of change and how design informs individual and group behavior.
MDST 1003 - Critical Media Literacies
Primary Instructor
Spring 2022
Learn to strategically access, analyze, evaluate, and produce communication in a variety of forms. This course explores the expanding nature of literacy in a digital world. Students will use applied research practices and communication tools to expand their existing media literacy skills and to design innovative presentations and projects that take advantage of new media.
MDST 2001 - Introduction to Global Media
Primary Instructor
Fall 2020 / Spring 2021
Explores a world in which new media have enabled humans to be joined in a global system of socio-cultural and economic relations. Underscores the political dimensions of global media, the convergence of global culture, and the ways in which values are produced. Prepares students to become critical of media practices and empowered as active civic participants.
MDST 2002 - Media and Communication History
Primary Instructor
Fall 2023
Examines the historical development of communication forms, tools, technologies and institutions (orality, writing, printing, photography, film, radio, television, computers, internet); their influence on culture (forms of expression and social relationships); and their impact on social and individual experience. Applies knowledge of communication history to contemporary social issues and problems in media and society, domestically and internationally.
MDST 3001 - Media Research
Primary Instructor
Fall 2023
Introduces theoretical approaches and practices used to analyze the content, structure, influence and contexts of media. Explores factors shaping media, including: politics, economics, technology, cultural traditions. Studies concepts, theoretical approaches and research methods of media criticism, and adopts and adapts these frameworks in analyses of mediated communication.
MDST 7051 - Qualitative Research Methods in Media
Primary Instructor
Spring 2022 / Spring 2023
Provides a survey of various qualitative modes of inquiry, attending to the philosophical, conceptual, and practical foundations of qualitative research in media, communication, and information. The course is designed to support students in developing a critical understanding of the different considerations in and stages of qualitative research, including the development of research questions, theoretical and conceptual frameworks, methodological approaches, data collection, data analysis, and assessment of reliability and validity of qualitative data.