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  • Contact Info

Mah, John K

Associate Teaching Professor


Research Areas research areas


courses taught

  • ASEN 2002 - Aerospace 2: Introduction to Thermodynamics and Aerodynamics
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2018 / Fall 2019 / Fall 2020 / Fall 2021
    Introduces the fundamental principles and concepts of thermodynamics and fluid dynamic systems. Emphasizes the synthesis of basic science (physics), mathematics and experimental methods that form the basis for quantitative and qualitative analyses of general aerospace technology systems. Proficiency in Matlab required.
  • ASEN 2004 - Aerospace 4: Aerospace Vehicle Design and Performance
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2019 / Spring 2020 / Spring 2021 / Spring 2022 / Summer 2022
    Introduction to design and analysis of aircraft and spacecraft. Aircraft topics include cruise performance, wing design, propulsion, stability, control, and structures. Spacecraft topics include rocket staging, orbit selection, launch systems, and spacecraft subsystems. Includes laboratory experiments and team design exercises.
  • ASEN 2702 - Introduction to Thermodynamics and Aerodynamics
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2023
    Introduces the fundamental principles and concepts of thermodynamics and aerodynamics. Topics include the first law of thermodynamics, properties of pure substances, control volume analysis, one-dimensional incompressible and compressible flows, two-dimensional lift and drag, and introduction to viscous flows.
  • ASEN 2704 - Introduction to Aerospace Vehicle Design and Performance
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2023 / Summer 2023 / Spring 2024
    Introduction to the theory and methods for design and performance analysis of aircraft and spacecraft. Aircraft topics include wing design, propulsion, aircraft performance, and stability and control. Spacecraft topics include mission design, rocket performance, orbital mechanics and spacecraft subsystems. Emphasis is placed on introducing systems engineering aspects of design and analysis for aerospace vehicles.
  • ASEN 2804 - Aerospace Vehicle Design Lab
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2023 / Summer 2023 / Spring 2024
    Design lab focused on integrating knowledge of 2000-level aerospace course concepts towards the open-ended exploration of conceptual and preliminary designs of an aerospace vehicle.
  • ASEN 3128 - Aircraft Dynamics
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2020
    Develops the fundamental concepts of aircraft dynamics. Covers flight mechanics, performance, dynamics and control of aircraft and how they impact aircraft design.
  • ASEN 4018 - Senior Projects 1: Design Synthesis
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2018 / Fall 2020 / Fall 2021 / Fall 2022
    Focuses on the synthesis of technical knowledge, project management, design process, leadership, and communications within a team environment. Students progress through the design process beginning with requirements development, then preliminary design and culminating with critical design. Offered fall only.
  • ASEN 4028 - Senior Projects 2: Design Practicum
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2019 / Spring 2021 / Spring 2022 / Spring 2023
    Focuses on the fabrication, integration, verification and validation of designs produced in ASEN 4018. Students work within the same teams from ASEN 4018. Offered spring only.
  • ASEN 4138 - Aircraft Design
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2023
    Two lectures and one lab per week. Examines principles of aircraft configuration and design to meet given performance specifications, taking into account aerodynamic, stability and control, and flying quality considerations, as well as airworthiness regulations. Includes preliminary design of the major elements of an aircraft.
  • GEEN 1400 - Engineering Projects
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2018 / Fall 2019 / Fall 2020 / Fall 2021 / Fall 2023
    First-year students solve real engineering design problems in interdisciplinary teams. Design projects vary by section. Curriculum focuses on iterative design process, teamwork and team dynamics, supporting design with testing and analysis, and technical writing. Completed projects are exhibited at an end-of-semester design expo. Students responsible for contributing towards their design project budget and poster costs, and purchasing safety glasses (approximately $75).
