ENVD 3100 - Environmental Design Studio 3
Primary Instructor
Fall 2018
Exposes students to a sequence of design investigations that lead to the development of design concepts for critical evaluation and discussion. The intent of this introductory design studio is to expose students to the fundamental design practices that are common to the disciplines of environmental design, planning, urban design and landscape design - that share the responsibility fro shaping the designed environment. Recommended corequisite: ENVD 3122.
PLAN 3100 - Studio 2: Intermediate Planning and Urban Design
Primary Instructor
Spring 2020
Uses intermediate-level planning concepts and practices to create solutions to specific challenges in a collaborative process. Through a sequence of design investigations students explores issues such as equity, housing, transportation, community engagement and land use.
PLAN 4100 - Capstone in Planning and Urban Design
Primary Instructor
Spring 2020
Applies advanced concepts in comprehensive planning and plan-making for communities. The project engages communities to solve complex problems in social and ecological systems using qualitative and quantitative skills.