selected publications
journal article
- The impact of aerosol on cloud water: a heuristic perspective. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 13403-13412. 2024
- Diurnal evolution of non-precipitating marine stratocumuli in a large-eddy simulation ensemble. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 12661-12685. 2024
- Life Cycle Evolution of Mixing in Shallow Cumulus Clouds. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2024
- Physical science research needed to evaluate the viability and risks of marine cloud brightening. Science Advances. 2024
- Marine-cloud brightening: an airborne concept. Environmental Research Communications. 2024
- Effects of intermittent aerosol forcing on the stratocumulus-to-cumulus transition. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 1919-1937. 2024
- On the Roles of Precipitation and Entrainment in Stratocumulus Transitions between Mesoscale States. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 2791-2803. 2023
- The Effects of Aerosol on Small-Scale Cloud-Environment Mixing: Implications for Simulating and Observing Inhomogeneous Mixing. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2023
- Paths From Aerosol Particles to Activation and Cloud Droplets in Shallow Cumulus Clouds: The Roles of Entrainment and Supersaturation Fluctuations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2023
- A Note on Aerosol Processing by Droplet Collision-Coalescence. Geophysical Research Letters. 2023
- Evaluation of Pulse Aerosol Forcing on Marine Stratocumulus Clouds in the Context of Marine Cloud Brightening. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 1585-1604. 2023
- An Intercomparison of Large-Eddy Simulations of a Convection Cloud Chamber Using Haze-Capable Bin and Lagrangian Cloud Microphysics Schemes. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems. 2023
- Toward a Numerical Benchmark for Warm Rain Processes. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 1329-1359. 2023
- Between Broadening and Narrowing: How Mixing Affects the Width of the Droplet Size Distribution. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2023
- A Parameterization of Interstitial Aerosol Extinction and Its Application to Marine Cloud Brightening. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 2849-2862. 2022
- Observing short-timescale cloud development to constrain aerosol-cloud interactions. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 11727-11738. 2022
- Cloud Microphysical Implications for Marine Cloud Brightening: The Importance of the Seeded Particle Size Distribution. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 3247-3262. 2021
- Aerosol-cloud-climate cooling overestimated by ship-track data. Science. 485-+. 2021
- Collisional growth in a particle-based cloud microphysical model: insights from column model simulations using LCM1D (v1.0). Geoscientific Model Development. 5119-5145. 2020
- Effects of Entrainment and Mixing on the Wegener-Bergeron-Findeisen Process. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 2279-2296. 2020
- Liquid Water Path Steady States in Stratocumulus: Insights from Process-Level Emulation and Mixed-Layer Theory. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 2203-2215. 2020
- Overview of the PALM model system 6.0. Geoscientific Model Development. 1335-1372. 2020
- Anthropogenic Air Pollution Delays Marine Stratocumulus Breakup to Open Cells. Geophysical Research Letters. 14135-14144. 2019
- An emulator approach to stratocumulus susceptibility. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2019
- Toward Large-Eddy Simulations of Dust Devils of Observed Intensity: Effects of Grid Spacing, Background Wind, and Surface Heterogeneities. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 7697-7718. 2019
- Entrainment and Mixing in Stratocumulus: Effects of a New Explicit Subgrid-Scale Scheme for Large-Eddy Simulations with Particle-Based Microphysics. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 1955-1973. 2019
- Can liquid cloud microphysical processes be used for vertically pointing cloud radar calibration?. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 3151-3171. 2019
- Inhomogeneous Mixing in Lagrangian Cloud Models: Effects on the Production of Precipitation Embryos. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 113-133. 2019
- A Cloud Microphysics Parameterization for Shallow Cumulus Clouds Based on Lagrangian Cloud Model Simulations. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 4031-4047. 2018
- Improving collisional growth in Lagrangian cloud models: development and verification of a new splitting algorithm. Geoscientific Model Development. 3929-3944. 2018
- On the limits of Kohler activation theory: how do collision and coalescence affect the activation of aerosols?. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 8343-8356. 2017
- The Route to Raindrop Formation in a Shallow Cumulus Cloud Simulated by a Lagrangian Cloud Model. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 2125-2142. 2017
- Response to Anonymous Referee #1 2017
- Response to Shin-ichiro Shima 2017
- Collection/aggregation algorithms in Lagrangian cloud microphysical models: rigorous evaluation in box model simulations. Geoscientific Model Development. 1521-1548. 2017
- Large-Eddy Simulations of Dust Devils and Convective Vortices. Space Science Reviews. 245-275. 2016
- The Effect of Spurious Cloud Edge Supersaturations in Lagrangian Cloud Models: An Analytical and Numerical Study. Monthly Weather Review. 107-118. 2016
- Entrainment of aerosols and their activation in a shallow cumulus cloud studied with a coupled LCM-LES approach. Atmospheric Research. 43-57. 2015
- The Parallelized Large-Eddy Simulation Model (PALM) version 4.0 for atmospheric and oceanic flows: model formulation, recent developments, and future perspectives. Geoscientific Model Development. 2515-2551. 2015
- Entrainment and mixing at the interface of shallow cumulus clouds: Results from a combination of observations and simulations. Meteorologische Zeitschrift. 349-368. 2014