Perform Calibration/Validation activities related to the GOES-R SEISS instruments: Produce Bowtie parameters for the SEISS MPS-HI electron channels. Create daily SEISS L0 files for all instruments (MPS-LO, MPS-HI, SGPS, and EHIS) from the raw telemetry data. Make background plots for all 4 SEISS instruments above. Assist the SEISS team with algorithm development for the Post Launch Tests (PLTs) and Post Launch Product Tests (PLPTs). Present and assist with conference presentations on the above Cal/Val activities. Assist in producing an archive of magnetometer observations from GOES I through R for the Big Earth Data Initiative (BEDI) project: Produce an inventory plot for the data set. Read data from the original archival CDs. Create algorithms for the processing and plotting of the data. Assist with presentations on the BEDI progress and results.
Solar-wind magnetosphere interactions, ground magnetometers, space weather