selected publications
journal article
- Parasitism in reef fish communities: evaluating the roles of host traits, habitat use, and phylogeny on infection by Scaphanocephalus (Trematoda). Coral Reefs. 509-522. 2024
- Into the danger zone: How the within-host distribution of parasites controls virulence. Ecology Letters. 2024
- Putting infection on the map: Using heatmaps to characterise within- and between-host distributions of trematode metacercariae. Journal of Helminthology. 2023
- A New Species of Prosorhynchoides Dollfus, 1929 (Digenea: Bucephalidae) Infecting Chain Pickerel, Esox niger Lesueur, 1818 (Perciformes: Esocidae), from the Pascagoula River, Mississippi, USA, with Phylogenetic Analysis and Nucleotide-Based Elucidation of a Three-Host Life Cycle. Comparative Parasitology. 82-101. 2022
- Beyond single host, single parasite interactions: Quantifying competence for complete multi-host, multi-parasite communities. Functional Ecology. 1845-1857. 2022
- The cost of travel: How dispersal ability limits local adaptation in host-parasite interactions. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 512-524. 2021
- How parasite exposure and time interact to determine Australapatemon burti (Trematoda: Digenea) infections in second intermediate hosts (Erpobdella microstoma) (Hirudinea: Erpodellidae). Experimental Parasitology. 2020
- Tracking the assembly of nested parasite communities: Using β-diversity to understand variation in parasite richness and composition over time and scale. Journal of Animal Ecology. 1532-1542. 2020
- Phenological synchrony shapes pathology in host-parasite systems. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 2020
- Patterns of Clinostomum marginatum infection in fishes and amphibians: integration of field, genetic, and experimental approaches. Journal of Helminthology. 2020
- Black-spot syndrome in Caribbean fishes linked to trematode parasite infection (Scaphanocephalus expansus). Coral Reefs. 917-930. 2019
- Community disassembly and disease: realistic-but not randomized-biodiversity losses enhance parasite transmission. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 2019
- Chance or choice? Understanding parasite selection and infection in multi-host communities. International Journal for Parasitology. 407-415. 2019
- Resistance and tolerance: A hierarchical framework to compare individual versus family-level host contributions in an experimental amphibian-trematode system. Experimental Parasitology. 80-91. 2019
- Comparison of direct and indirect techniques for evaluating endoparasite infections in wild-caught newts (Taricha torosa and T. granulosa). Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. 137-146. 2019
- Risky business: linking Toxoplasma gondii infection and entrepreneurship behaviours across individuals and countries. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 2018
- Of poisons and parasites-the defensive role of tetrodotoxin against infections in newts. Journal of Animal Ecology. 1192-1204. 2018
- The influence of landscape and environmental factors on ranavirus epidemiology in a California amphibian assemblage. Freshwater Biology. 639-651. 2018
- Circadian rhythms of trematode parasites: applying mixed models to test underlying patterns. Parasitology (Cambridge). 783-791. 2018
- Parasites of invasive freshwater fishes and the factors affecting their richness. Freshwater Science. 134-146. 2018
- Noxious newts and their natural enemies: Experimental effects of tetrodotoxin exposure on trematode parasites and aquatic macroinvertebrates. Toxicon. 120-127. 2017
- Role of Antimicrobial Peptides in Amphibian Defense Against Trematode Infection. Ecohealth. 383-391. 2016