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Publications in VIVO

Gerding, Erik F.



Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • Research interests include securities, banking law, financial regulation generally, and corporate governance. Since 2003 I have been working on projects involving securities and corporate law during asset price bubbles, financial crises, and periods of market volatility. My current writing and teaching focus on aspects of the global financial crisis. I also write about the intersection of technology and financial regulation.


  • financial institutions (including banks), securities regulation, financial markets, corporate governance, financial crises


selected publications


courses taught

  • LAWS 5121 - Contracts
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2020 / Fall 2021
    Covers basic principles of contract liability, offer, acceptance and consideration, statute of frauds, contract remedies, the parole evidence rule, performance of contracts, conditions, effect of changed circumstances, third-party beneficiaries, assignment and specific performance.
  • LAWS 6211 - Corporations
    Primary Instructor - Summer 2020
    Covers formation of corporations and their management; relations among shareholders, officers and directors; the impact of federal legislation on directors' duties; the special problems of closed corporations.
  • LAWS 7101 - Deals: Engineering Financial Transactions
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2020
    Explores the business lawyer's role in creating valueby helping clients identify, assess and manage business risks through efficient contract design while achieving the optimal legal, tax or regulatory treatment for the deal. Includes case studies of actual transactions.
  • LAWS 7401 - Securities Regulation
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2020 / Spring 2021
    Stresses statutory interpretation of the various federal statutes regulating the issue of corporate securities and the cases and regulations that have arisen out of those statutes.
  • LAWS 8251 - Seminar: Advanced Corporate Law
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2019
    Explores current issues in corporate and securities law, including developments in fiduciary duties of officers and directors, corporate governance, executive compensation, revisions to the model business corporation act, and state and federal litigation reform.
  • LAWS 8318 - Seminar: Law and Economics
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2020
    Introduces the uses and limitations of microeconomic theory for understanding and resolving legal problems. Emphasizes concepts prominent in the law and economics literature such as cost, transaction costs, utility, and rational self interest.


International Activities

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