selected publications
journal article
- A bacterial NLR-related protein recognizes multiple unrelated phage triggers to sense infection. 2024
- Phage detection by a bacterial NLR-related protein is mediated by DnaJ. 2024
- Bacterial NLR-related proteins protect against phage 2022
- Autophagy Induction by a Small Molecule Inhibits Salmonella Survival in Macrophages and Mice. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. 2019
- Potentiating antibiotics in drug-resistant clinical isolates via stimuli-activated superoxide generation. Science Advances. 2017
- Salmonella Meningitis Associated with Monocyte Infiltration in Mice. American Journal of Pathology. 187-199. 2017
- Increased Ferroportin-1 Expression and Rapid Splenic Iron Loss Occur with Anemia Caused by Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium Infection in Mice. Infection and Immunity. 2290-2299. 2015
- Salmonella acquires ferrous iron from haemophagocytic macrophages. Molecular Microbiology. 1314-1326. 2014
- The Ferric Enterobactin Transporter Fep Is Required for Persistent Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium Infection. Infection and Immunity. 4063-4070. 2013
- A glycine betaine importer limits Salmonella stress resistance and tissue colonization by reducing trehalose production. Molecular Microbiology. 296-309. 2012