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Publications in VIVO

Zhong, Shijie



Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • Dr. Shijie Zhong's research is focused on understanding the dynamics and deformation of planetary bodies and its relation to observations at the planetary surfaces including gravity, magnetics, topography, displacement, volcanism, tectonics, and sea level change and glacial cycles. In his work, Dr. Zhong uses methods of fluid dynamics with both numerical and theoretical models.


  • dynamics of planetary interiors, geophysics, sea-level change, glaicial cycles, fluid dynamics


selected publications


courses taught

  • GEOL 6630 - Earth and Planetary Physics 3
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2018 / Spring 2020 / Spring 2022
    Offered alternate years. Examines the solar system, emphasizing theories of its origin and meteorites. Highlights distribution of radioactive materials, age dating, heat flow through continents and the ocean floor, internal temperature distribution in the Earth, and mantle convection. Also covers the origin of the oceans and atmosphere. Same as ASTR 6630 and PHYS 6630.
  • PHYS 1115 - General Physics 1 for Majors
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2018 / Fall 2019
    First semester of three semester sequence for physics, engineering physics and astronomy majors. Covers kinematics, dynamics momentum of particles and rigid bodies, work and energy, gravitation, and simple harmonic motion. Degree credit not granted for this course and PHYS 1110.
  • PHYS 1125 - General Physics 2 for Majors
    Secondary Instructor - Spring 2021
    Three lect., one rec per week, plus three evening exams in the fall and spring semesters. Second semester of three semester introductory sequence for physics, engineering and astronomy majors. Covers electricity and magnetism, wave motion and optics. Normally is taken concurrently with PHYS 1140. Degree credit not granted for this course and PHYS 1120.
  • PHYS 1140 - Experimental Physics 1
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2024
    Introduces experimental physics through laboratory observation of a wide range of phenomena. Covers experiments on physical measurements, including mechanics, electricity & magnetism, and optics, with the mathematical analysis of physical errors associated with the experimental process.
  • PHYS 2020 - General Physics 2
    Secondary Instructor - Spring 2019 / Fall 2021
    Includes three lectures, one two-hour laboratory/recitation per week, plus three evening exams in the fall and spring semesters. Covers electricity and magnetism, light and modern physics. Designed for life science majors, including premed students. Natural science majors with a knowledge of calculus and others taking calculus are urged to take the calculus-based courses PHYS 1110, PHYS 1120, PHYS 1140 and PHYS 2130, rather than PHYS 2010 and PHYS 2020.
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