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Publications in VIVO

Professor Dr. Herzfeld, Ute C

Research Professor


Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • My research is centered in the areas of geomathematics, remote sensing, cryospheric and atmospheric sciences and climate variability, as well as engineering related to development of new Earth observation technology. I am a member of NASA's ICEsat-2 Science Team and NASA's CloudSat/Calipso Science Team.


  • development of physically constrained mathematical and statistical methods and applications in physical sciences, cryospheric and atmospheric sciences, geophysics, oceanography, geology, glaciology, ecology, geogr, airborne and satellite remote-sensing technology, development of algorithms, laser altimetry, spatial statistical analysis, surface roughness, Arctic climate change, energy transfer cryosphere - atmosphere, Arctic sea ice, Greenland, Antarctica, Iceland and Alaska, signal processing


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