Dr. Nugent studies pedagogy for online and in-person classes to enhance student learning. In 2023, she proposed developing a new course, Writing in the Age of AI, and is working with colleagues to create writing skills courses for launch in fall 2024. She mentors students at the PhD, MA, and undergraduate levels in developing their teaching skills. Additional research interests include fostering online learning and community, evaluating online learning tools, writing instruction, rubric design, and multimedia creative projects. Specializes in early modern English literature and British literature.
British literature, early modern English literature, Shakespeare studies, poetry, 19th century British novel, economic criticism, early modern religious history, early modern women and literature, literary history, cultural studies, online education, online learning, educational technology, higher education pedagogy, composition, teacher training, and impact of AI text generation tools on writing instruction
ENGL 1001 - Freshman Writing Seminar
Primary Instructor
Summer 2019 / Fall 2019 / Summer 2020 / Fall 2020 / Summer 2021 / Fall 2021 / Spring 2022 / Summer 2022 / Spring 2023 / Summer 2023 / Fall 2023
Provides training and practice in writing and critical thinking. Focuses on the writing process, the fundamentals of composition, and the structure of argument. Provides numerous and varied assignments with opportunity for revision.
ENGL 1700 - Introduction to Shakespeare
Primary Instructor
Fall 2023 / Spring 2024
This course introduces several of William Shakespeare�s plays, including comedies, tragedies, and histories. Students will become familiar with Shakespeare�s dramatic language, often by reading aloud, acting short scenes, or offering creative responses. We will also explore how filmmakers have adapted Shakespeare�s dramas for the screen. No previous experience with Shakespeare is expected: all students at CU are welcome!
ENGL 2102 - Literary Analysis
Primary Instructor
Fall 2022 / Fall 2023 / Spring 2024
Provides a basic skills course designed to equip students to handle the English major. Emphasizes critical writing and the acquisition of basic techniques and vocabulary of literary criticism through close attention to poetry and prose.
ENGL 2212 - Science Fiction
Primary Instructor
Spring 2023
This course examines science fiction novels, short stories, and movies, paying close attention to what they teach us about our world. How do these works speculate about the future and alternative realms, and how do they portray our hopes and fears for the promises and limits of technology? Science fiction thinks about ways in which bodies, individuals, and societies might be different, and imagines ways of being and living other than our present.
ENGL 3000 - Shakespeare for Nonmajors
Primary Instructor
Spring 2018 / Summer 2018 / Fall 2018 / Spring 2019 / Summer 2019 / Fall 2019 / Spring 2020 / Summer 2020 / Fall 2020 / Spring 2021 / Summer 2022 / Spring 2023
Introduction to Shakespeare. Introduces students to 6-10 of Shakespeare's major plays. Comedies, histories, and tragedies will be studied. Some non-dramatic poetry may be included. Viewing of Shakespeare in performance is often required.
ENGL 3026 - Syntax, Citation, Analysis: Writing About Literature
Primary Instructor
Fall 2021 / Fall 2022 / Spring 2024
Students hone their writing skills by closely analyzing the language in literary texts. The course will focus on the nuances of sentence structure and grammar, in order to help students become better writers and readers. Students will learn how to perform research in literary criticism and will write and revise a research paper, as well as a number of other short papers for different audiences. Students will learn and use citation methods within the discipline and will discuss the reasoning behind citational practice. Recommended prerequisite: completion of lower-division writing requirement.
ENGL 3856 - Topics in Genre Studies
Primary Instructor
Spring 2021
Studies special topics in genre studies; specially designed for English majors. Topics vary each semester. May be repeated for a total of 6 credit hours for different topics.
ENGL 3930 - Internship
Primary Instructor
Fall 2021
Provides academically supervised opportunity for upper-division students to work in public or private organizations on projects related to students' career goals and to relate classroom theory to practice. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Department enforced prerequisite: 3.0 GPA and faculty supervision.
ENGL 4830 - Honors Thesis
Primary Instructor
Spring 2020
Students accepted to English Departmental Honors are enrolled in this course.
ENGL 5000 - Introduction to Applied Shakespeare
Primary Instructor
Spring 2022 / Spring 2024
Provides an introduction to the life, work and world of William Shakespeare to prepare students for the Applied Shakespeare Professional Masters Certificate two-week intensive. Students will gain a background in the social, cultural and political context of Renaissance theater, will be introduced to the conventions of Shakespearean drama and will explore key concerns impacting our understanding of Shakespeare's works. Department consent required.
ENGL 5529 - Studies in Special Topics 1
Primary Instructor
Spring 2022
Studies special topics that focus on a theme, genre, or theoretical issue not limited to a specific period or national tradition. Topics vary each semester. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours. Same as IAWP 6100.