selected publications
journal article
- Reflections on Six Decades of Research on Adolescent Behavior and Development. Journal of Youth and Adolescence: a multidisciplinary research publication. 473-476. 2018
- Parsing Protection and Risk for Problem Behavior Versus Pro-social Behavior Among US and Chinese Adolescents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence: a multidisciplinary research publication. 1037-1051. 2014
- Adolescent home-leaving and the transition to adulthood: A psychosocial and behavioural study in the slums of Nairobi. International Journal of Behavioral Development. 298-308. 2013
- "Making It": Understanding Adolescent Resilience in Two Informal Settlements (Slums) in Nairobi, Kenya. Child and Youth Services. 12-32. 2012
- Adolescent Problem Behavior in Nairobi's Informal Settlements: Applying Problem Behavior Theory in Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Urban Health: Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine. 298-317. 2011
- Predicting Developmental Change in Healthy Eating and Regular Exercise Among Adolescents in China and the United States: The Role of Psychosocial and Behavioral Protection and Risk. Journal of Research on Adolescence. 707-725. 2010
- Description Versus Explanation in Cross-National Research on Adolescence. Journal of Adolescent Health. 527-528. 2008
- College student involvement in cigarette smoking: The role of psychosocial and behavioral protection and risk. Nicotine and Tobacco Research. 213-224. 2007
- A developmental study of heavy episodic drinking among college students: The role of psychosocial and behavioral protective and risk factors. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. 86-94. 2006
- Remarks on the changing nature of inquiry. Journal of Adolescent Health. 9-10. 2005
- Adolescent problem behavior in China and the United States: A cross-national study of psychosocial protective factors. Journal of Research on Adolescence. 329-360. 2003
- Adolescent cigarette smoking: health-related behavior or normative transgression?. Prevention Science. 115-124. 2000
- Protective factors in adolescent health behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 788-800. 1998