BMEN 5117 - Anatomy and Physiology for Biomedical Engineering Course uri icon



  • The main objective of this multidisciplinary course is to explore human physiological function from the viewpoint of an engineer. It provides an introduction to human anatomy and physiology with a focus on learning anatomical structures, biological signaling, physiological and pathological conditions, as well as fundamental biomedical engineering concepts that apply quantitative analyses (mass transfer, fluid dynamics, mechanics, modeling) and engineering concepts (e.g., device design to restore defective physiological functions) to understand physiology and pathology. Graduate students will be required to present a primary literature review and lead discussion during a class period, as well as take the lead on the final project: a mock NIH grant proposal. Degree credit not granted for this course and MCEN 4117 or MCEN 5117. Same as BMEN 4117.