(Veblen, Thomas T - 2016) -- Distinguished Research Lectureship
A faculty member at CU Boulder since 1981, Tom Veblen directs the Biogeography Lab of the Geography Department and teaches both lower- and upper-division lecture courses and seminars. He researches forest ecology and vegetation dynamics, using tree rings to date past disturbance events such as fire and insect outbreaks. He has spent his career looking at how fire, blow down, bark beetle outbreaks and other events interact in the forested landscapes of the Colorado Rocky Mountains. The southern Andes of Chile and Argentina have also benefited from his research, largely supported by the National Science Foundation. Veblen is recipient of more than 20 honors, awards and fellowships in observance of his forestry expertise. He has presented keynote addresses at numerous forestry and climate-change conferences and symposiums. In 2011 he organized and produced the CU Natural History Museum outreach exhibit “Burning Issues: The Four Mile Canyon Fire.”