subject area of
- A Calibrated Human PBPK Model for Benzene Inhalation with Urinary Bladder and Bone Marrow Compartments Journal Article
- A Simple Method for Estimating Informative Node Age Priors for the Fossil Calibration of Molecular Divergence Time Analyses Journal Article
- A reactive species model for chlorine decay and THM formation under rechlorination conditions Journal Article
- Calcium-induced changes to the molecular conformation and aggregate structure of β-casein at the air-water interface Journal Article
- Calibrating Self-Reported Measures of Maternal Smoking in Pregnancy via Bioassays Using a Monte Carlo Approach Journal Article
- Calibration and evaluation of nitric acid and ammonia permeation tubes by UV optical absorption Journal Article
- Calibration system and analytical considerations for quantitative sesquiterpene measurements in air Journal Article
- Construction of Training Sets for Valid Calibration of in Vivo Cyclic Voltammetric Data by Principal Component Analysis Journal Article
- Critical Comparison of FRET-Sensor Functionality in the Cytosol and Endoplasmic Reticulum and Implications for Quantification of Ions Journal Article
- Demonstration of on-sky calibration of astronomical spectra using a 25 GHz near-IR laser frequency comb Journal Article
- Determining equilibrium osmolarity in poly(ethylene glycol)/chondrotin sulfate gels mimicking articular cartilage Journal Article
- Effective locomotion at multiple stride frequencies using proprioceptive feedback on a legged microrobot Journal Article
- Elemental analysis of organic species with electron ionization high-resolution mass spectrometry Journal Article
- Factory-Calibrated Continuous Glucose Monitoring: How and Why It Works, and the Dangers of Reuse Beyond Approved Duration of Wear Journal Article
- Genetically Encoded Sensors to Elucidate Spatial Distribution of Cellular Zinc Journal Article
- Improved Force Spectroscopy Using Focused-Ion-Beam-Modified Cantilevers Journal Article
- Improved calibration method for depolarization lidar measurement Journal Article
- Inhomogeneous background magnetic field in biological incubators is a potential confounder for experimental variability and reproducibility Journal Article
- Measuring calcium dynamics in living cells with genetically encodable calcium indicators Journal Article
- Modeling the Radical Chemistry in an Oxidation Flow Reactor: Radical Formation and Recycling, Sensitivities, and the OH Exposure Estimation Equation Journal Article
- Multi-residue method for the analysis of 101 pesticides and their degradates in food and water samples by liquid chromatography/time-of-flight mass spectrometry Journal Article
- O/C and OM/OC ratios of primary, secondary, and ambient organic aerosols with high-resolution time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometry Journal Article
- Optimizing bead size reduces errors in force measurements in optical traps Journal Article
- PARduino: a simple and inexpensive device for logging photosynthetically active radiation Journal Article
- Probing the origins and control of shrinkage stress in dental resin-composites: I. Shrinkage stress characterization technique Journal Article
- Protocol for measuring labile cytosolic Zn 2+ using an in situ calibration of a genetically encoded FRET sensor Journal Article
- Quantitative Measurement of Ca2+ and Zn2+ in Mammalian Cells Using Genetically Encoded Fluorescent Biosensors Journal Article
- Rapid Quantification of Protein Particles in High-Concentration Antibody Formulations Journal Article
- Standardization of a UV LED Peak Wavelength, Emission Spectrum, and Irradiance Measurement and Comparison Protocol Journal Article
- Strategies for the multi-residue analysis of 100 pesticides by liquid chromatography-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry Journal Article
- Techniques for measuring cellular zinc Journal Article
- Test sensitivity is secondary to frequency and turnaround time for COVID-19 screening Journal Article
- The response of soil organic carbon of a rich fen peatland in interior Alaska to projected climate change Journal Article
- Three dimensional tracking of fluorescent microparticles using a photon-limited double-helix response system Journal Article
- Traceable Calibration of Atmospheric Oxidized Mercury Measurements Journal Article
- Traceable calibration, performance metrics, and uncertainty estimates of minirhizotron digital imagery for fine-root measurements. Journal Article
- Warming of the Antarctic ice-sheet surface since the 1957 International Geophysical Year Journal Article